A New Underground AppStore that’s Blowing Up (from Amazon) George March 9, 2016 Marketing, user acquisition THE WAY DEVELOPERS sell apps has changed. It’s no longer as simple as in-app payments, or a premium price to download. What comes next, though, is anything but settled. One promising path is Amazon...
Pirate Metrics for Startups George August 23, 2014 crm, Marketing, Uncategorized, user acquisition, user retention Thanks to Dave McClure from 500 Startups for this brilliant distillation of the key marketing metrics for pretty much any startup: Acquisition Activation Retention Referral Revenue Dig into a lot more...
Viral Emotions George June 18, 2014 Insights, Marketing, Research, user acquisition If a piece of content makes a reader feel a certain way, the reader is more likely to share it on social media. Which emotions lead to the most shares? BuzzSumo's Henley Wing analyzed the top 10% of...
The Best PR Advice (You’ve Never Heard) George March 12, 2014 advertising, Facebook, Insights, Marketing, user acquisition I *love* Firstround and everything they write on their website. Unique, insightful pieces from people who know. I am - and you should - always be thinking about messaging, PR and how your app appears to the...