Mobile Engagement Hits New Highs George June 25, 2014 advertising, Marketing, Research The consumer shift to mobile reached new milestones in May 2014. Two separate measurements underscore the change. First, time spent on mobile apps in the U.S. accounted for the majority of time spent (51%) in...
Facebook Ads are Working Better than Ever George May 10, 2014 advertising, Marketing Facebook’s ad business continues to grow at an impressive clip with both effectiveness - click through rate (CTR) - and volume - ad impressions - increasing by double-digits quarter-over-quarter. CTR itself...
The Best PR Advice (You’ve Never Heard) George March 12, 2014 advertising, Facebook, Insights, Marketing, user acquisition I *love* Firstround and everything they write on their website. Unique, insightful pieces from people who know. I am - and you should - always be thinking about messaging, PR and how your app appears to the...